Kathy’s Sports Sales Mailbag … “Hey Kathy!” … June 19

As we celebrate Juneteenth, may we also, as businesses, understand and embrace the importance of diversity in the workplace. As we learn ideas of others and have an understanding of diverse backgrounds and their perspective, we will better understand our customers and be able to respond to trends better.

“Hey Kathy,

How can we, as teams, best celebrate different heritage nights? ” Interested in cultures in the midwest

Hi Interested,

The best way to celebrate cultures is to not view it as a sale but rather an event in which we can showcase a different culture. What will the night include other than selling tickets to them and playing music? Can we honor members of that culture and celebrate their achievements? Can we incorporate children to sing in their native language? Can we provide important cultural historic moments on the jumbotron? Can we educate about that culture throughout our game? It’s not just about having a heritage night. It’s about showcasing a culture and its people.


“Hey Kathy,

What is the most important process to hitting goals?” Need to hit this year in the west

Hi Need,

Timelines. Set timelines and deadlines…both with clients for expectations every step of the way and for yourself to accomplish things. Hoping won’t get you far. A plan and timelines/deadlines will.


“Hi Kathy,

I think we should do more mobile offers but my boss doesn’t feel they would work. I’m still going to make calls, but I just think mobile offers could be well received. What are your thoughts?” Eager to try in the midwest

Hi Eager,

Couldn’t agree more. Fish where the fish are. Create ways to buy that the people are currently buying. Mobile offers are easier to be looked at…how many calls do they not even pick up? How many emails go without responses? Everyone looks at their phone a kazillion times a day. Chances of at least seeing the message goes up considerably on mobile.

If you don’t try, someone else will….


“Hey Kathy,

Curious…as a team President, do you refuse to work with some teams? Work with all teams? Do you have criteria?” Thinking about the possibilities up north

Hi thinking,

I want teams to interview me just as I am assessing them. I go with teams that are a good fit. What are the criteria? A willingness to do some things differently. A belief that you really do want to invest and grow your team. Follow up on concepts after weekly zooms. A willingness for leaders to be open minded to some change.

I would say 99% of my teams have had success stories, and I view myself as the key to unleashing what was there and just needed help being created. The success is all on the team.


“Hey Kathy,

My VP does not want anyone utilizing text as he says ‘it’s the lazy way of selling.’ We have customers that have asked to be texted. How do I get him into this century?” Up to date in the east

Hi Up,

Bang. Bang. That’s the sound of me banging my head against the wall. I have had more mailbag questions this week about text than anything else. Leaders!!! Get with the program! Look around you! Where are everyone’s eyes nowadays??? On their phone. You are probably reading this on your phone. Well….if you and the rest of the world are on their phones bumping into each other, why wouldn’t you want to use that as a method of communication?

How many times have you spoken with your leader and he was checking his phone? I would remind him of that. Take him to lunch. Watch how many people are looking at their phones and count them. At the end of lunch, make the statement…”I’m curious if you’ve noticed…since we walked over to lunch there have been xxx number of people checking their phones and responding via text. Most people are receiving their info this way. I know you’re not a fan, but our chances of actually connecting with people can go up considerably. Some of our own fans only want to be texted. What if we do this…the fans that want to be texted, we will. On a day to day basis, we will make a sales call first and if no response a follow up could be via text? Or, vice versa…text first with a follow up call. What if we track and see the response rate and if it’s working after 60 days we keep the process?”

Numbers tell and sometimes for those that are stuck in the 80’s and 90’s we simply have to show through numbers. We will not take away calling but we can enhance the process of selling to the way people best receive info.

Kathy Burrows, Chief Energy Officer, Sold Out Seating

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Have a question?

Questions on Sales, Marketing, Community Relations, etc. with your team? Leadership? Job related? Send your questions by 5 p.m. Tuesday’s for inclusion or personal answer in Kathy’s Sports Sales Mailbag to: kathy@soldoutseating.com

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