Kathy’s Sports Sales Mailbag…”Hey Kathy!”…April 24

In case you’re wondering, there’s 245 more sleeps till Christmas.

“Hey Kathy,

I have a hard time making small talk when I call a prospect. We are supposed to form a relationship then go into our spiel, but I struggle with what to say. Can you help?” Not a small talker in the west

Hi Not,

If you struggle with it, why do it, especially if calling a business? Businesses are … well, busy. When we start out asking ‘how are you’ we already put them on the defensive. Don’t ask unless you really care. But when it comes to building a relationship on an initial call, you do that by respecting their time and discussing what you are calling for. Small talk often gives them a reason to half pay attention while they are wishing we’d get on with it. Instead, offer why you are calling…honestly. For instance, “As I don’t know a lot about the real estate process with your clients, I’m calling from xxx to learn a little more about it. I’d like to see if there’s something we might offer that would bring added value.” The point is, you will build the relationship through your discussion/listening skills/ offerings and honesty.


“Hey Kathy,

Who is ultimately responsible for individual sales?” Is It Me in the Midwest?

Hi Is,

First of all, there should be a revenue goal / ticket goal for individual sales. The responsibility for this is shared between marketing and Box Office, under the guidance of sales. Plans should be made prior to the season: what will our offers be, how will we rotate them, do they cannibalize group or season tickets or complement them, and do they give the sales team an opportunity to capitalize on growing them at some point. Then the question of the who we are targeting…if people are buying a family pack on Sundays, what other event nights might appeal to families that we can repeat the offer for to a targeted group? Are we tracking and gathering data? There is a LOT to consider…it’s not simply a matter of selling indy tickets.


“Hey Kathy,

Should a corporate fulfillment role sell or simply facilitate the partnership?” Itching to add value/sales in the midwest

Hi Itching,

Back in the day, fulfillment did just that…fulfilled. But in doing so, the relationship was stronger with that person than it was with the original salesperson. With the exception of naming rights, jersey rights, etc. where both parties need to stay connected and on top of it, in today’s world more and more of the fulfillment roles are focused on fulfillment as well as education on how to use any tickets we’ve included and introducing them to our premium amenities so they can purchase as needed. The role is much broader than in the past.


“Hey Kathy,

When do you cut ties with a sales rep who just isn’t selling?” Getting frustrated in the east

Hi Getting,

Sit down and ask yourself: have you done everything you can to help them develop and given them ample time to develop? If the answer is yes and it’s still not there, it’s time to cut ties before the idea of mediocre results is acceptable to the rest of the team.


“Hey Kathy,

The Director I hired seems to communicate with the sales team by email all day. Is this the trend? I really want him working with them, coaching them, etc. and not sure if my expectations are outdated.” Showing My Age in the midwest

Hi Showing,

This certainly should not be the trend. Staff members continually tell me lack of communication is one of the biggest reasons they leave. And when you communicate behind a screen you are really showing you are not good at communicating. Sounds like your role is to coach he or she and set measurable goals for them which include sitting in the bullpen and listening to power hour calls and coaching in real time, collecting all your email thoughts and sharing at a rap up 5 minute huddle at the end of the day, etc.


Kathy Burrows, Chief Energy Officer, Sold Out Seating

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Have a question?

Questions on Sales, Marketing, Community Relations, etc. with your team? Leadership? Job related? Send your questions by 5 p.m. Tuesday’s for inclusion or personal answer in Kathy’s Sports Sales Mailbag to: kathy@soldoutseating.com

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Need a sales or leadership book with action plans?

Check out: Potato Chip Ticket Sales (for any level sales) and Potato Chip Leadership Skills (for all current and aspiring leaders). Available on Amazon.

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