Kathy’s Sports Sales Mailbag…”Hey Kathy!”…May 22

Time of year for new graduates to find positions. This first sports job can make or break a new grad. What are YOU doing to grow and develop them?

“Hey Kathy,

Whatever happened to cold call/close, cold call/close? Why are the new guys taking 4 or 5 calls to close? That’s not the way I learned.” VP, west coast

Hi VP,

Did you ask to get married on your first date? Did you ask if they wanted 2.5 kids and a house in the city or suburbs? Then why do you want them to ask a stranger for money on a first call?


“Hey Kathy,

How do you respond to people who complain about their experience with the person before you?” I’m Not Them in the midwest

Hi Not Them,

Acknowledge what they said. Let them know you understand. Let them vent. Then Transition to what YOU can do…although you can’t undo the past, you can take care of their expectations in the present if they will give you the opportunity. Then make the ask.

Ignoring it or glossing it over will only build it deeper inside them. This is your chance to be the hero!


“Hey Kathy,

What is a better way to hit goals? I see the number and I have to admit I panic.” Overwhelmed in the midwest

Hi Over,

Take a deep breath. Manage your goals. First, examine all the areas you have to sell and the dollar amount of each. For areas that have varying amounts pick either the top amount or the average amount sold there. Now look at your goal and decide for the month how you want to divide your sales to hit the monthly goal. Want to sell 400 group tickets? 2 suites? A business buyout? 2 party areas?

Whatever you decide have it add up to your goal. Now this isn’t in concrete but it will enable you to focus on your prospecting correctly and have a goal in mind as to who could best use each area. Now make your power hour calls based on the categories to sell. Your goal? We know one in 3.5 closes to you want to get 3-4 for each category in your pipeline by mid month with the intent of closing by end of month. In order to do that you need to set deadlines and rewards.

What does this do ? It enables us to not go through calling unlimited lists of prospects we researched and rather mix up our day with targeted prospects. We are refreshed and more apt to have enthusiasm and close our sales.


“Hey Kathy,

I’m not sure why we should be hiring for the long term. It seems to me that kids want to move up in sports so they are just going to leave after a year anyway. Fill the slot and get some action or ???? Help me understand this.” They keep moving on in the east

Hi Moving,

Well, if that’s your philosophy then yes, your staff will leave after a year. I don’t care if you are a minor sport or a major sport. People will stay and invest in the team if you grow them, develop them, invest in them, give them rewards in their growth “xxx specialist”, and clearly define paths to growing in the organization. For example, in the business world there are levels. They call it different names but each level of growth comes with a pay increase and a little more responsibility. The end goal is impressive and shows you’ve successfully been there for 10 years or so.

Do we have a growth pattern for them? Levels that they can aspire to if they achieve A then they can advance to B and so on? Do they see progression and/or investment in them?

There’s a reason why one of my independent teams have some reps making around 6 figures. It’s because they invest in them and that team hasn’t moved on…they are investing back in the team. THIS is the kind of leadership people hope to be under in sports.


Kathy Burrows, Chief Energy Officer, Sold Out Seating

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Have a question?

Questions on Sales, Marketing, Community Relations, etc. with your team? Leadership? Job related? Send your questions by 5 p.m. Tuesday’s for inclusion or personal answer in Kathy’s Sports Sales Mailbag to: kathy@soldoutseating.com

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